who is john galt

Saturday, March 26, 2005


Its my first attempt to write and frankly very difficult to express what i feel.i know the importance of first impression but please bear with any contradictions and mistakes .

here it begins .Me parag.....

last novel i read was ATLAS SHRUGGED by ayn rand.so lets start with
its thinking(or should i call it philosophy) with which i have been really impressed.

first things first lets talk about sex.please dont take me wrong .believe me you will admire it

it is believed that sex is a physical capacity which functions independently of one's mind or choice.but in fact a man's sexual choice is the result of his fundamental convictions . sex is the most profoundly selfish of all acts,an act whichhe cannot perform for any motive but his own enjoyment.he will always be attracted to the women(deliberatly plural) who reflects his deepest vision of himself ,the women (again u dare ) whose surrender permits him to experience a sense of self esteem .the man who is proudly certain of his own values, will want the highest type of woman (be serious ) he can find,woman he admires strongest and the hardest to conquer (i mean making her love you).
the man who is convinced of his own worthlessness will be drawn to a woman he despises because she will reflect his own secret self. it gives him a momentary escape from his damn moral code.

friends everything above is ayn rand's but one things mine .its acceptance...

pondering over it for some days that its really true.
i am not declaring that i have started following it already but there is always a beginning and its that for me .

enough for today going for lunch..