Please dont think on the topic too much wont get anything conclusive expected:)
Today I saw a banner advertising for a kindergarden. The advertisement had all the keywords such as learning,fun games,etc etc ...(well actually i can help them coining really good catchy phrases but they are not paying me so I wont write them here .....hehe another reason can be that I am not able to recollect them) .There was one phrase that caught my eye ....
the building is built on DDA land...for all the non delhites, although I assume that they can recall the MCD drive which is hovering on all news channels and somewhere has not been tackled properly by our media, but might not relate to it with deserving compassion.Infact I believe even delhites not directly been affected by it do not understand the gravity of the problem.....
yahaan peit ka sawaal hai. I think the banner provides an example of the penetration of some controversial decisions, affecting all our thinking process , modulates our acceptance level of anything remotely connected to the issue.
Lets put some facts first
We all agree that planning of the capital has gone haywire. Infact there is no planning visible
visible,there are commercial entities sprouting in every residential area.Is that what we expect to project to the whole world , we are expecting to be induced in the united nation security council, a business hub of the world ( more precisely offshore service hub) where business executives visit often and complain about the degraded, messy infrastructure and take back this belief to their country. So when the time arises when India looses its low cost advantage then all our business allies would turn to say african continent who are yet to realize or should i say reap the profits. We need to project ourselves as a incredible country with credible business friendly nation. Dont we get the first image of a place by its visual likability ( i dont whether that word exist). We all sing praises of
phoren country because it is well planned.
Hence we need to uproot the weeds from our crops
Now the million dollar question is whether the weeds and so deep rooted that they cannot be pulled out wiithout affecting the plant itself. The small shops , small departmantal stores, saree shops , book store ......other innumerable
dukane in the residential areas are running well and are feeding ( here feeding implies prosperous) whole families. I agree that the families are or with god's grace will never starve for food but therewould definately be few upheavels in their lives and chances are that there will be a considerable fall in their standard of living.
Believe me being poor doesn't hurt any human that much when the misery is compared to that of becoming poor from being rich . Its the fall that hurts you the most.I have heard several stories where the whole families are ruined because their shops were sealed and they had no other alternative source of earnings
I believe these are facts and perhaps i have missed some ......this can go for ever. I finfd myself incapable of arriving to a decision. When I put these fors and against on a weight balance , I dont know which side is heavier but for our country holding the weight balance itself seems tiring and frustrating. I wish there is some miracle and we get everything without suffering much.