rule 49
I am belong to one of the millions who whole heartedly wants to see our nation thriving in all the fields, excelling in business and no doubt we are on the right track. BUTTTTTTTTTTT ( pardon for the double entendre ) our respected politicians doesn't feel the same. There are a few wolves among the sheeps who put themselves above the nation. For those chosen ones there is a perfect provision in our constitution. Our constitution is a one of those flawless biblical reference which has answers and solutions for all the problems. Agreed it can be manipulated by unscrupulous opportunists , but surely provides ways to give brick for a brick. Of the several provisions there is one RULE 49 in the conduct of elections which provides all the frustaed denizens of this great democracy to retaliate against all the malaise in the politics.
According to this if a citizen feels that during elections no candidate is appropriate for his vote , his vote would be counted and would accumulate in a seperate category i.e rejecting all the candidates standing in the elctions . It can be one those boosters for all the citizens to take part or be a part of the elctions even if they feel that nobody is worthwhile to run the nation. It can help political parties to undestand that they should give party tickets to those thieves and gangsters or else public is going to make the elections null and void. Its another way for different classes of people ( here i am not dividing the people on religions or caste ...there can be different ways to classify and one of the ways is means of livelihood ) to protest agains any wrongdoing by the politicians in order to get quick votes.
Let us again concentrate on the reservation bill in higher institute. It is an impasse which would take some stern , daring decisions from the ministers to solve it. Now here is what i intend to do after this provision becomes an act. The parties would be force to rethink their agendas when 50 % of the voters would refuse to supprot any candidate.Taking my vision one step further , imagine before elections political parties would debate openly as to what is acceptable to common public , otherwise they would feel the heat , after spending crores of money there would be total rejection.
Lets stop here , i am going for the lunch